Week 9: Built Environment

City Building

There is a main hub, large white blocks of quartz make up the majority of building material, stone blocks and wood make up the rest, there is a large temple that is the religious hub as well as the political hub, surrounding are the villages and markets. only the upper-class citizens reside in the all quartz district. 

most people travel to the main hub to seek wisdom from the god-king, some come to trade, witness his wonders and miracles, only the Metrions live in the city, all lesser races are forced into their own districts. 

they ride animals, carts or walk, no vehicles until humans arrive 

I would live in the forest with the Thaarius where the trees act as houses/ treehouse


like it is on earth, hunting, farming and cooking, families eat together and there are feasts as well. 


there are not male and female bathrooms, there is a waste room in esteemed buildings but most residence go outside 


there are shows, fights and duels, games and toys, no tvs, radios or electricity until humans arrive. 


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