
Showing posts from December, 2017

Final Project

                                                       Karru and the World of Metrea On Earth:    Some time into our future, an apocalypse takes hold of Earth, the reckoning has come. The only way for humans to cheat their fateful end is the technology put into three ships. Ships that take the highest ranking and richest people of Earth, along with seeds, DNA, technology and information deemed necessary and precious. The ships house pasangers who have been cryogenically frozen until it finds a habitable planet. On Metrae: Long ago, there were 4 raging elemental titans that shaped the world of Metrae. These titans grew out of control and threatened the life of all other inhabitants on the planet. It is told that the heavens sent down a celestial being to return them to the center of the planet where they belong. This godly he...

Week 12: World Overview

Race/Ethnicity the metrions have little thought about the color of the skin/fur but they are very much racist when it comes to the species of metrae, the Honds are supremacists in that they believe to be higher than all the species of lesser class. the humans who come have their internalized racism for each other and also believe themselves to be higher than ALL   metrions.   race exists there are 6 races + humans internalized racism runs rampant under karru’s ignorance the “savior” is not karru but embyr, one of a lowly race.   Class On Metrae, class is measured by blood, the blue blooded Honds with their telekinetic powers hold authority over most everything with the god-king Karru as the final judge. Gender the god-king karru is genderless but goes by he/him embyr is asexual but there is no term for it in the world, she just has no sexual desires, other than that everything is focused on reproducing but their is gender and there is peop...

Week 11: Paradise Island

Wonder Woman - Paradise Island   Hight Concept - Becoming an Amazon   Look: Greek and Roman inspired architecture   Island Life Woman only society   Mixture of medieval and modern practices   No “tech” in the form of computers, phones, etc. Magic is the tech Beginning: Follow young Diana   Start with the soldier who crashed on the island Journey with him and discover the Amazon world Experience the Invasion   Attractions: 1. Live Performance   2. VR/IMAX Experience (Plane Crash)   3. Weapon and Armor Display 4. History Display 5. Restaurant 6. Training Ground - Obstacle Course (Kids based)   7. Underground Pools Experiential Elements:   Support System: Market- Replica Weapons, Costumes, Figures, Accessories, Maps, Pottery, Jewelry   Trash- Stone/Medieval looking   Food- Island food, roman/greek, anything seen in the wo...

Week 9: Built Environment

City Building There is a main hub, large white blocks of quartz make up the majority of building material, stone blocks and wood make up the rest, there is a large temple that is the religious hub as well as the political hub, surrounding are the villages and markets. only the upper-class citizens reside in the all quartz district.   most people travel to the main hub to seek wisdom from the god-king, some come to trade, witness his wonders and miracles, only the Metrions live in the city, all lesser races are forced into their own districts.   they ride animals, carts or walk, no vehicles until humans arrive   I would live in the forest with the Thaarius where the trees act as houses/ treehouse eating: like it is on earth, hunting, farming and cooking, families eat together and there are feasts as well.   Bathrooms: there are not male and female bathrooms, there is a waste room in esteemed buildings but most residence go outside ...

Week 8: Society

Cultural Dynamics _ Theocratical Monarchy The sole ruler of the nation is in charge and worshipped as a godly being, His mate is second in line. There is a caste system among the inhabitants. Class systems. Food is grown and hunted, animals are herded and trained in the lower class systems. The lowest classes have built all of the structure.   _   Dominant Trait Class system and tradition rules, the godly ruler keeps the peace Social stratification Urbanization _ Complementary Trait Long distance trade _ Internal Change - Culture innovates often Mythos/ Ideology   A long time ago there were giant rampaging beasts of each element, they destroyed all life, the god king was manifested by the mother to defeat them and ruled afterwords.   The highest ranking officer and most powerful soldier murdered the god king and assumed power, enslaving the lower races. The prophecy foretold that the mother mu...

Week 4: History + Nerd Trope

Ancient Egypt and Aliens      There are quite a lot of people who believe a lot of the Egyptian art and accomplishments were influenced by alien life. Looking at it from the view that aliens could have been the case opens up a wide range of possibilities for worldbuilding and storytelling. We all know the story of Moses. Moses split the Red Sea. What if Moses was assisted by, or was himself an alien, using powers unknown to humans. In this universe, the people of Egypt were visited by heavenly bodies. The people didn't have a concept of aliens and labeled them as Gods. These beings look similar to Earths beasts. Being the only thing Egyptians had to relate them to, they created imagery with the beasts they were familiar with to depict the Gods. Anubis looked like a jackal, Ra looked like a bird, etc. The Pharaoh was dubbed the vessel between mortals and Gods, this ideal came from the aliens bringing a pharaoh into power and working through him to get what ...