Week 11: Paradise Island

Wonder Woman - Paradise Island 

Hight Concept
- Becoming an Amazon 


Greek and Roman inspired architecture 
Island Life
Woman only society 
Mixture of medieval and modern practices 
No “tech” in the form of computers, phones, etc.
Magic is the tech

Follow young Diana 
Start with the soldier who crashed on the island
Journey with him and discover the Amazon world
Experience the Invasion 

1. Live Performance 
2. VR/IMAX Experience (Plane Crash) 
3. Weapon and Armor Display
4. History Display
5. Restaurant
6. Training Ground - Obstacle Course (Kids based) 
7. Underground Pools

Experiential Elements: 

Support System:

Market- Replica Weapons, Costumes, Figures, Accessories, Maps, Pottery, Jewelry 

Trash- Stone/Medieval looking 

Food- Island food, roman/greek, anything seen in the wonder woman universe, alcohol/wine, normal food as well

Security- Dressed in armor ?

Weather Protection- Greek inspired market covering 

Bathrooms- Stone/Medieval looking 

Special Instructions:

Female Interested

- Girl Power
- Female Warrior 
- Hiring Women for Authenticity 
- Employees act as Amazons
- Custom Weapon 


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